Psychedelics in Ancient Rituals and Ceremonies

by Surreal O'Reality
A look at the use of psychedelics in ancient rituals and religious ceremonies.

A Look at the Use of Psychedelics in Ancient Rituals and Religious Ceremonies

Psychedelics have been used for thousands of years in various cultures worldwide for their mind-altering properties. These substances played a significant role in ancient rituals and religious ceremonies, often facilitating spiritual experiences and connecting participants with the divine. In this blog post, we'll explore the historical use of psychedelics in ancient rituals and religious ceremonies.

Ancient Shamanic Practices

Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual practices, and shamans often used psychedelics to enter altered states of consciousness. These altered states allowed them to communicate with spirits, heal the sick, and gain insights into the unseen world.

1. Ayahuasca in the Amazon

Ayahuasca, a brew made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and other plants, has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes in the Amazon basin. Shamans use Ayahuasca to enter the spirit world, diagnose illnesses, and receive guidance from ancestors and spirits.

2. Peyote in Native American Traditions

Peyote, a small cactus containing the psychedelic compound mescaline, has been used for thousands of years by Native American tribes in religious ceremonies. The Native American Church continues to use Peyote in their sacramental practices to this day.

Ancient Egyptian and Greek Rituals

Evidence suggests that ancient Egyptians and Greeks also utilized psychedelic substances in their religious rituals. These practices were often shrouded in mystery and secrecy, known only to initiates.

3. The Eleusinian Mysteries

The Eleusinian Mysteries were secret religious rites held annually in ancient Greece. Participants consumed a potion called Kykeon, believed to contain psychedelic substances, to achieve mystical visions and enlightenment.

Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican Cultures

Pre-Columbian cultures in Mesoamerica, such as the Aztecs and the Maya, incorporated psychedelics into their religious practices to communicate with gods and seek spiritual insights.

4. Psilocybin Mushrooms

Psilocybin mushrooms, also known as "teonanácatl" or "God's flesh," were used by the Aztecs in religious ceremonies to induce visions and connect with the divine. These mushrooms continue to be used in modern indigenous rituals in Mexico.

5. Ololiuqui

Ololiuqui, a psychedelic seed containing LSA (a compound similar to LSD), was used by the Aztecs for divination and healing purposes. Shamans ingested the seeds to enter a trance state and receive divine messages.


The use of psychedelics in ancient rituals and religious ceremonies highlights the long-standing human fascination with these substances. By facilitating profound spiritual experiences and connecting individuals with the divine, psychedelics played a crucial role in the religious and cultural practices of many ancient civilizations. As modern research continues to explore the potential benefits of these substances, it is essential to recognize and respect their historical significance.

Suggested Images for the Blog Post

  • Shamanic Practices: Illustrations of shamans using psychedelics in traditional ceremonies.
  • Ayahuasca: Photos of Ayahuasca brews and Amazonian shamans.
  • Peyote Ceremonies: Images of Peyote cacti and Native American rituals.
  • Eleusinian Mysteries: Artistic representations of ancient Greek rituals involving Kykeon.
  • Psilocybin Mushrooms: Photos of various psilocybin mushroom species used in Mesoamerican rituals.
  • Ololiuqui: Pictures of the Ololiuqui seeds and Aztec ceremonial practices.